Secret Power of High Heel Shoes

Not wearing high heels when you can, can make you miss out on the higher levels of performance they can help you achieve.

Some shoes can make you sharper, wittier, and more confident; they can improve your posture, bring your chin higher, and shoulders back; they can make you more alert and perceptive; they can make you see, hear, and smell better; they can improve your memory.

This knowledge comes from studying how shoes reach various reflex points on the feet. For our discussion we’ll consider high heel shoes: 4″ with the small heel tips; and closed, pointy front. In them, one or more of the things listed below will happen.

1 High Heels Shoes elevate the body, and stimulate the inner ear (balance/vestibular system.) The tiny point of the heel adds balance challenge, and adds to Vestibular Stimulation in turn, stimulates/improves all your sensory perception and integration: eyes, ears, nose, skin, and proprioceptive sense. This sense controls your posture, position of the body and body parts. With this sense on overdrive, you will have a better feel of your body parts, their location in space, and you will feel better, more confident in that space. With high heel shoes on, it’s like taking some potion that gives you more energy, more confidence, better memory, better speech, more control of yourself, better poise, posture, and makes your moves more elegant.

Vestibular stimulation makes your nervous system more alert & faster while improving your memory, vocabulary, and making pronunciation clearer. Vestibular stimulation helps you think faster, and you deliver your thoughts with more confidence.

In high heel shoes the foot slides down and the toes get pressed against the shoe’s covered and pointed front. The toes house reflex points for the organs in the head: eyes, ears, nose, gums, teeth, and temples.

Have you noticed how much extra attention you pay to your teeth and gums while wearing high heel shoes? You floss and brush before you leave home. At the restaurant you are flossing again. Plus, you also notice any imperfections in the teeth of everyone you meet. Here, the reflex points for your gums and eyes got stimulated, and now you become more sensitive to your gums, and to the gums of others.

When you are wearing high heels shoes, you tend to play with the hair around your temples. You pull it back behind the ear; then you bring it out in front. Your fingers play with the hair before you put it behind the ear again. You just can’t leave that hair alone. Why? The inner side of the nail area of your big toe is connecting with the nail area of the second toe. The place where they connect on the big toe is the home for reflex points for the temples. As your those reflex points get stimulated, they stimulate the temples and the hair that grows there.

The fleshy bottom of the big toe has the reflex points for the pineal gland, and hypothalamus, which coordinates both the autonomic nervous system and the activity of the pituitary, controlling body temperature, thirst, hunger, and other homeostatic systems, and is involved in sleep and emotional activity. The big toe, also houses reflex points for the mastoid, brain, and the pituitary gland, which is the “master gland” of the gland that secrete hormones. It is important in controlling physical growth, development; as well as the functioning of the other glands that secrete hormones. While wearing sneakers, the toes rest on soft insoles and the reflex points in the toes get no stimulation. In high heel shoes the toes rest on hard surface of the leather sole, which presses the reflex points of the toes.

Depending on the size and shape of your toes, and based on how they nestle next to each other in the narrow front of your high heels hoes, you will have sometimes very unique sensations from one shoe to the next. Now you can explain those moments of bliss you get from certain high heel shoes.

In high heels shoes the weight is divided between the heel and the ball of the foot. The heel has the reflex points for the sciatic nerve and pelvis. The pressure on the reflex points in the heel, makes women tighten their stomach, while expanding the chest. The pressure on the reflex point for the sciatic nerve influences the position of the hips, making them more even, level, and steady.

The ball of the foot has the reflex points for: Thyroid (that’s your energy gland), esophagus, trachea, bronchi, thymus gland (your immune system), solar plexus, diaphragm, and lung (that’s oxygen for your energy). This area is doorway to the body’s power plant. In high heel shoes a woman can work faster and better. The diaphragm keeps the breathing even and deep, and her speech, or singing, fuller. The lungs provide her with more oxygen.

Above is a short account of the complex influence of the high heel shoes on the reflex points. Learn about the influence of other types of shoes on the reflex points so you can help your kid in school, your spouse at work; so you can improve relationship in the family, and with friends.

Alexander Nestoiter, author of:
Incredible Ah-Ha Moments: Ideas you won’t stop talking about

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Feet Without Pain

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Have our early ancestors complained of sore, tired feet?

In order to better understand why so many people today have tired, sore feet, we need to take a quick look at the history of our feet and their immediate environment, the ground beneath.

Our ancestors spent their days in their upright position, on their feet. Thus, the feet received constant pressure from the ground, and from stepping on the big and small particles of debris that covered the grounds. Walking on debris created hot spots of pressure in different parts of the foot. In this way, people received foot massage, and their reflex points got stimulated at the same time. In addition to previous benefits, the uneven natural grounds made the feet bend and stretch in many ways.

Is there any evidence to suggest that our distant ancestors had foot problems? No. The old form of foot massage (from the ground up) worked for us up until around 4,300 years ago, when people started making first paved roads, also in Egypt around 4,600 years ago. The first pictograph depicting the person massaging feet of others was also found in Egypt, dating back 4,300 years back. This “massage therapist” was second after Pharaoh, all thanks to his powers to heal people by massaging their feet. As see here, reflexology was born on the heels of introduction of paved roads. As you know, feet may hurt not only because of injuries; they may also hurt due to inflamed reflex points. These points can become highly sensitive due to many reasons, one of which could simply be the absence of stimulation.

The invention of paved roads came with unintended consequences. Flat roads prevented feet from bending and stretching in many ways, causing some foot muscles to become lethargic, even stagnant. Plus, without debris, reflex points lost their stimulation. The paved roads and primitive footwear gave birth to all sorts of problems associated with feet. Reflexology spread through the African deserts, while the Far East, in India and China saw a variation of reflex point therapy where needles are used to reach and stimulate these reflex points.

Today, no matter what shoes we wear, or don’t wear, we are still walking on grounds that are flat. This flatness makes feet ache, and if left untreated, the aches turn into pain. Now you know why deep foot massage and reflexology have become so popular lately. It’s because of wearing shoes everywhere, even at home on carpet, and on the beach on top of sand; and because of flat roads everywhere we step.

How to prevent feet from getting tired and sore

To prevent feet from aching we need to give them what they had in abundance in the distant past. We need to walk barefoot on grass, sand, rocks, landscape filler, and/or different natural, uneven grounds.

I realize that just reading these words makes many people uncomfortable. Without practice, modern feet have become intolerant to walking on natural grounds. To overcome such high intolerance, I suggest wearing one or two pairs of thick socks, (no shoes,) and trying to slowly walk on grass, sand, rocks, landscape fill, or any uneven grounds. If feet are still too sensitive, you can apply Tiger Balm (sports balm) to temporarily reduce foot sensitivity.

However, for some, the outdoor options are not feasible. For such cases, I’ve created a way to replicate the outdoor experience in your home, giving more attention to the needs of delicate feet.

Here are the basics of the Nestoiter-Gravity Foot Massaging Rock Pillow. (see details below) A case from super strong fabric is made and filled with rocks. An adjustable cushion goes on top of that rock pillow. After practice over several weeks, you will be able to stand and walk in place on top of that rock pillow. With a little music, you can make dance steps on the pillow.

Here, gravity does the work while you drive. The point is to move your feet by stepping on different parts of the rock pillow. Because the rocks in the rock pillow move slightly under your weight, every time you step, you step on a new surface. Just like in nature, you never step on the same spot twice. Feet love variety. If you linger in one spot for too long it will irritate or even hurt that spot. When feet don’t move, as in wearing shoes, even when we spend long hours sitting, your feet will hurt. That’s because our feet were made to move, from one spot to another, non-stop movement.

On average, it would take about two months for the feet to be ready to walk on the rock pillow without cushion. At this stage, you are massaging your feet, stretching and bending them in the process. Now you start receiving sufficient pressure to reach reflex points in your feet.

This is where the magic begins to happen. As your feet get reflexology treatment, your body switches to the self-healing mode and begins to align you energy fields and align the work of your glands and organs in the body. At this stage, almost every week brings some good surprises. It is different for every person, but everyone discovers what a difference it makes when this or that organ begins to function at its optimum level.

For some, the skin complexion could clear up. For others, it could be improved blood circulation in the feet and legs. You could begin to feel better because the liver is eliminating more toxins from the body. It could be that the digestive system moving things at a faster pace and reducing your weight. It could be the disappearance of headaches, or the desire to eat sweets. The pain in the lower back could just vanish.

I can go on and on because reflexology is a powerful treatment, and the body’s self-healing powers are amazing. The best way to treat a problem is by using the body’s self-healing ways.

Did I mention anything about removing pain from feet? I did not. Why? Because by the time you can stand and step on the rock pillow without cushion, there will be no pain in your feet.


How to build the rock pillow

I will outline the basics in creating the Nestoiter-Gravity Foot Massaging Rock Pillow.


·       The final size of 18” x 24”. Use fabric in two layers.


·       Get heavy grade upholstery fabric, and 18” heavy-duty sports zipper.


·       Using the sewing machine, make the “pillow case” with the zipper on the short side. Use at least double stitch on all sewing lines.


·       At Home Depot or at your local landscape shop, get smooth, roundish stones 3” (the size of your fist) on average. At the Home Depot they are called Mexican Beach Pebble; there you need two bags of these stones. If you are getting stones from another place, get enough to cover 6 square feet, 2” thick. The rocks weigh around 50-60 pounds.


·       Make sure the stones are fully dry and are treated to prevent mold or other green stuff growing on them. If you the stones you are buying were not treated, wash them in bleach and let dry. Before you start placing the stones into the pillowcase, add in 1-2 pounds of coarse salt.


·       Close the zipper after you fill the case. Keep in mind, the more stones you have in the case, the smoother will be the walking surface. At first, pack the case tight. Only after some experience, you can start removing stones. Remove up to 10 stones per week so your feet have time to adjust to the new experience.


·       For the cushion, you will need one thick and very large beach towel.


To start, fold the towel to create 8 layers and place on top of your rock pillow. Wear thick cotton socks (no shoes.) If the towel is thick, you should feel the rocks through the towel cushion, but very faintly. Walk in place for a few minutes. If you feel that the pressure from the rocks is coming through the towel, you can either add more towels or wear the second pair of thick socks.

After a week or two, your feet will ask (yes, feet do communicate with us, just not in words) to reduce cushion. Fold the towel to make 6 layers and try it. A little pressure is normal. Too much of it will cause pain, and you should not be experiencing pain while doing this. Give it another one or two weeks, or when you are ready, fold the towel to make 4, 2, and 1 layer(s) of towel. Always wear thick cotton socks.

Keep in mind that when you finish this project and become comfortable with what to do and how, it will be your favorite activity. Your whole family will enjoy it and benefit from it. Also, if you want to become more popular with your friends and neighbors, invite them over for complimentary foot massage via gravity and your rock pillow. Once people find out what you have, your home will always have guests.


For pictures and/or more information about the rock pillow you can visit this page:


Alexander Nestoiter, author of

Incredible Ah-ha Moments: Ideas you won’t stop talking about



The Role of Physics in ADD/ADHD

I have an undergraduate degree in Business Management from Pepperdine University. Prior to this school, I studied Mechanical Engineering, and also worked as engineer in manufacturing. Several months shy of completion my undergraduate degree in Engineering, I had to leave my school. In a word, I am a diploma-less engineer, with experience.

During the last 15-20 years I was studying the feet and the inner ear. Both subject matters are infinitely complex and profoundly influential in our lives, much more so than appears at first glance. The inner ear houses the organ of balance, and is acting as the central hub for all sensory input. It acts as the pre-processing organ of sensory information for the brain.

After my long research I can now explain the origins of ADD/ADHD by connecting changes in our physical environment with our feet and the inner ear, and provide solutions for those problems. I know all this sounds odd, but if you follow my explanation you will see all these pieces do fit together and actually make sense.

My perspective is very unusual. It was formed when my experience in mechanics and engineering were dipped into various medical disciplines. As you will see, sometimes solutions come from very unexpected places.

ADD/ADHD has been puzzling medical and scientific world for decades. No one seems to know their origins, what causes them, or how exactly to treat them. Many different things were tried with little success. To this day, ADD/ADHD remains as elusive today as it was fifty years ago.

If I was a medical doctor I probably would’ve followed the crowd of other doctors and make no progress in the matter. But, as luck would have it, I’m not a doctor. This allows me to ask questions other doctors would never even think about, for they would be so off the wall. I think that because I’m not a doctor helped me to see things from very unusual perspectives.

Prominent scholars in Business teach that if we can’t find solutions through the usual channels, we shall find them through unusual channels. For that we need to be naive enough not to know that what we are trying to do is impossible. And we must also be brave enough to accept the world around us from new and unknown perspectives.

Without further ado, let me start by listing some facts we know to be true:

  • Brain works faster during crises.
  • Challenging balance activities cause the brains to work faster, in the similar way as though the person took chemical stimulants.
  • Unless we use certain capabilities from early age, later in life they might become hard to acquire, e.g. language, muscles & joints, and balance. If we don’t use them, we lose them.
  • Just 40 years ago people preferred leather shoes as their primary daily footwear for all ages. Sneakers were used mostly for sporting activities.
  • Today, babies start wearing sneakers even before they learn to walk. Children grow up wearing sneakers as their primary footwear from childhood to college.
  • Sneakers, through special design and materials, have excellent traction and stability on the ground; and these qualities are superior to those of the leather-bottom shoes.
  • Kids now can only run during their physical education class, under controlled settings. This is essentially the only place where kids can now run at full speed.
  • Current safety measures, such as anti-slip tape, restrictions to run inside the school and on the schoolyard, plus more stable footwear (sneakers), reduce the frequency of slip-and-fall incidents.

The function of integration of sensory information is directly influenced by the stimulation (vestibular stimulation) of the organ of balance. The organ of balance in the inner ear receives this stimulation through challenging balance conditions. When you downgrade the challenge in balance conditions, you reduce vestibular stimulation. The reduction of vestibular stimulation lowers its effect on the integration of sensory information, processed by the inner ear.

Let me illustrate. When you are rollerblading or skateboarding, the challenge level for balance skills is high. This increased balance challenge creates vestibular stimulation. Vestibular stimulation, in turn, makes the eyes see better, ears hear better, the sense of touch gets better. While skateboarding, guys and girls see and react to the smallest changes on the road surface. They hear their surroundings better, and they have more control over their body because of increased performance of their sense of proprioception (sense of body motion.) They are wide awake, fully alert, feel in control, and feel one with their environment.

Put these skateboarders in the classroom, and after 30 minutes they will be falling asleep. They will feel foreign to the classroom environment, and everything that is going on in the class will make no sense to them. Their hearing will become dull, and their eyes will not be as sharp. They will start getting into conversations with someone during the class, or they will be fidgeting on their chairs. Somebody might start scratching his scalp and become amused at the falling dandruff. Others will start drawing pictures on their hands and arms. They will pay no attention to the teacher, or anyone else for that matter. In other words, they will exhibit typical signs of ADD/ADHD symptoms. But just 30 minutes ago, on their skateboards they were on top of the world.

This applies to those low bicycles for stunts, and for those who play soccer in the field, and to those who play basketball, and tennis. On the field and on the court many kids and adults feel complete and in control. Remove that vestibular stimulation and you remove all those extra-sensory experiences, their level of alertness, and their ability to pay attention to their environment.

While improving safety, we neglect to assess the unintended consequences. Today, from the time babies start walking, they rarely slip and fall. They may fall for a number of other reasons, but usually not from slipping. They are more likely to trip over the front of the shoe stuck on the floor, than to fall because the shoe slipped.) Thanks to sneakers’ excellent traction, babies and children don’t develop higher level of alertness against their feet loosing ground due to slipping. Compared to leather-bottom shoes, sneaker grip the ground securely.

Collective safety measures promote the decline in level of alertness, which is required from the brain in order to deal with more challenging balance conditions. The safety measures reduce the flow of challenging balance conditions, and with it, reduce the brain’s base speed.

You might remember how schools used to polish and buff their floors. You start running, pick up some speed and then slide for 10-15 feet. That was fun. And that fun created its own dance move, Twist. Do you remember how quick-witted children and adults were in the ‘50s? At that time, many wore real leather shoes. That seemingly tiny element, changed the culture and introduced new problems for us to solve.

We take our problems to the doctor. The doctor is trained to recognize symptoms and prescribe chemistry to treat the problem. Remember, the early doctors were those who mixed different potions; they were chemists. Modern doctors are also chemists, for they treat most problems through chemistry.

With each passing year, we improve our desire for maximum comfort, maximum sitting, and maximum protection against slip and fall incidents. With each passing year we teach our brains to get by on slower processing speed. With the idle speed slower, it becomes difficult to keep focused and pay attention.

Balance is the first sensory organ that develops in the fetus. After only 17 weeks from conception, the organ of balance is fully developed and is functioning.

From childhood to college, we wear sneakers, and we are lowering our brains’ necessity to deal with challenging balance conditions. Why? Compared to leather-bottom shoes, sneakers provide excellent traction and foot stability on the ground. (Try to dance twist in your sneakers…) Before the widespread use of sneakers, no other daily footwear provided our feet with the same high level of traction and stability as sneakers do now.

As you can see, it is possible, to view what is currently a medical problem, as a physics problem. Physics problems are better resolved via physics, not via chemistry. The school uniform will include leather-bottom shoes. That could be the formal wingtip, or the cowboy style boots or shoes.

 There will be more scraped knees, but isn’t that the essential part of growing up? Kids need to learn to appreciate, based on their own experiences, good balance, reliable footing, and not take them for granted. They need to walk measuring each step, for any step could cause the foot to slip. This has been the way people lived from the beginning of time. Nobody, ever, was as sure in his/her step as we are today, wearing sneakers. Take away from the child the need to be cautious, and you take away half of what he or she can become, if only given a chance.

Now you know my take on how the brain gets slower, and why we get more and more cases with ADD/ADHD. Now you can understand why so many researchers claim that they don’t know exactly how ADD/ADHD works. How can they know when they are trying to treat a physics problem with chemistry?

I invite you to do your own research: observe the behavior and grades of kids who wear leather bottom shoes, then compare your data to the data from kids who wear sneakers. Post what you find in the comments.

Not all ADD/ADHD cases are the same. Some might truly require chemical intervention. But before you put your kid on pills, give him or her one month in leather shoes. Will you?


Alexander Nestoiter, author of

Incredible Ah-ha Moments: Ideas you won’t stop talking about

Sipping Hot Cocoa With Your Feet

I often write about the benefits of the Nestoiter Gravity Foot Massager. I say your feet will not hurt, they will be energized, strong, flexible, and happy. But how many people want to admit that they have problems with their feet? Many people will not wear footwear that reveal the foot; others will not remove their shoes even if they have socks on. It is mostly men who are shy about their feet. At least in this country, women, for the most part, are ok to wear sandals, flip-flops, or other footwear that reveals the foot. The majority of women are not shy to take their shoes off in front of sales people, to try on new shoes, to have the feet massaged, or to have a pedicure.

What I’m struggling with is not knowing how to relay the sensation your feet will feel after the deep tissue massage on my device. Let me try this analogy. Pretend that it is winter and you were outside for several hours. After you get home, a cup with hot cocoa was just made for you. As you sip the rich and velvety cocoa, you feel how it spreads inside of you giving you that satisfying warmth. Now imagine dipping your cold feet into a bath filled with the same warm and velvety cocoa. Feel as the skin on your feet and ankles sip the hot and nutritious cocoa. Your foot pains and aches disappear on contact. The warmth of the bath enters you through the feet and fills you. You smell the cocoa aroma, but you also taste it with your now warm feet. It is pure bliss and nothing can compare to this sensation. This is how your feet will feel 15-20 minutes after the massage on the Nestoiter Gravity Foot Massager. Now you know.


Alexander Nestoiter, author of:

Incredible Ah-ha Moments: Ideas you won’t stop talking about

Revealing my secret

         As most of you already know, I sell steel water pipes. They are modified and enhanced to do specific functions. I also invented and got a patent on a triangular shape profile that has not one, but three different walking surfaces in one unit.

         The purpose of these contraptions is to elevate the body about three inches above the floor level and serve as a pretend tightrope. All the surfaces that have direct contact with the feet are narrow and rounded to different sizes. This is done for two reasons: a) to be challenging during balance training; and b) to get deep inside the muscle tissues to reach reflexology points and to provide deep-tissue foot massage.

         As you can see it is in my interest to make people believe that only my product can deliver the benefits it delivers. In reality, there are plenty of substitutes. To treat their sore feet U.S. Marines use strong round pill containers when they have no access to my products. The pill bottles will not help you with balance training, but they can help to get deep inside the muscle tissue to relieve pain in the tired feet.

         For a while I kept a secret how you can get balance training without any equipment at all. I mean, it is you, the floor, and your socks. That’s it. I invented this stance recently when I wanted to do some balance training but had nothing to do it with. Then I remembered the anatomy of the foot…

         Well, it goes like this. Stand with your heels together and feet apart, at least 90 degrees angle. While keeping your left foot in place, make a big step with your right foot forward. Now your feet are in letter J position.

         Face forward. Now, with your left foot, keep the heel on the ground and raise the foot as high as you can on the heel. With your right foot, keep the heel on the ground and raise the right foot as high as you can on the heel. You need to keep your weight on your heels only.

         Because the heel bones are oval, it will present a challenge to your balance. Holding your balance with the feet so far apart and keeping your weight on the heels is challenging, it’s like doing it on a tightrope.

         If you need balance training and have no equipment, this stance will do the job. It provides you with the same highly challenging balance conditions as the water pipe, or the tightrope. See my articles on balance training to learn what benefits you can get from such training.

         Now you know. I have no more secrets from you. The water pipe contraptions add convenience and fun, but for the plain-vanilla balance training the stance on your heels will do the job. It worked for me and a few other people I taught the stance.

         I welcome your comments, good, bad, but keep them honest and cordial.


Alexander Nestoiter, author of:

Incredible Ah-ha moments: Ideas you won’t stop talking about

Republicans are against free speech? How poor interpretation can mislead…

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Those who follow my book and my blog, know that I pick up on things most people leave unnoticed. With the Presidential election getting closer, I want to talk to you about politics, but from a very unique perspective,

“the meaning that got lost in translation.”

I am almost fifty years old. The first half of my life I lived in former USSR. I turned twenty-five when I was already in Los Angeles, California, USA. In the process of learning English, here in the U.S., I began to notice words that sounded familiar, but were actually not familiar. For example, the English word, Democracy sounds in Russian as Demokratia. Since I was raised during Russian State censorship of free speech, Western Democracy to a common Russian/Slavic folk simply meant Ability to speak without censorship.

In the United States, we have many people who came here from Russia or other Slavic-speaking countries. In the mind of the Russian/Slavic-speaking people, as far as I know, the principle tenets of the Democratic party get confused with freedom of speech. The word Democracy comes from the Greek Demokratia “rule of the people which was coined from (dēmos) “people” and (kratos) “power”, in the middle of the 5th-4th century BC. In such system of government, freedom of speech is essential. Although the tenets of the Democratic party are not all exclusively focused on the freedom of speech, an argument can be made that the two terms are somehow connected.

Well, be that as it may, how do you think Russian/Slavic speaking people would translate the term, Republican? The word Republic sounds in Russian as Respublika, a territory where the public share something in common. I know this is a “little” far from the values of the Republican Party. But, it gets even more interesting. The Soviet Union had fifteen republics. They were named after the nationality of people who lived there. So, other than “a territory where people have something in common” to average Russian folk the American word Republican did not carry any additional meaning. That is, until you start talking politics. Please, sit down. Here is the “logical,” notice, logical is not “literal” translation. If Democrats advocate freedom of speech and Republicans are at odds with them, therefore, Republicans must be against freedom of speech…

The words and terms have not changed in centuries. People from foreign countries take translation the easy way, if it sounds similar, it must be the same thing, with a different pronunciation. That’s how, for far too many people today, the term Republican began to mean, “Against free speech.”

Now, forget all those from Russia and other Slavic States. It’s not about the native tongue as much as it is about the home where you lived when you were young. Much of early education is done by the time you reach five years old. You may not know the terms, or words, but you know and copy emotional reaction to these words from your parents. But, unless you’ve embarked on the path of self-discovery, as you mature, you gain knowledge about terms, but your emotional reaction to them remains what was already programmed into you earlier. This is how, generation after generation, people transmit the meaning of the words, even when the meanings are not only wrong, incomplete, or inaccurate, but when these meanings have nothing to do with those words.

Do some legwork and find out for yourself what people mean when they say “I like the Democratic Party.” And then, ask them “What about the Republican Party?” I predict that people, who are sixty and older will tell you things about the tenets of the Democratic and Republican parties that have as much in common to the real meaning of these words as Chinese fortune cookie to American apple pie.

And you thought it was tough to win people over to your way of thinking. Now, try to keep in mind that what they have in mind about “X” and what you have in mind about “Y” are not simply at opposite ends of one line. Their meaning for “X” and your meaning for “Y” are not even in the same plane. No wonder, people would sooner replace a spouse and switch religion than change their political views. Before pulling someone closer to your side of thinking, you have to establish what planet they come from, and on what planet you are at. Happy pulling.


Alexander Nestoiter, author of:

Incredible Ah-ha Moments: Ideas you won’t stop talking about

Posted by Incredible Ah-Ha Moments at 3/31/2012 5:27 AM 
Categories: language
Tags: politics language translation Republican Democrat lost meanings

Your role in the bedroom

The following is placed here to remind us to never take our loved ones for granted.

Being mindful of technological competition from the fucking machines. Have you seen what they can do now?

Men, if we don’t learn to give women intimacy with close emotional sensitivity and other such stuff, the machines will render us obsolete. From the standpoint of convenience, availability, reliability, and sheer unstoppable horse-power, the 110/220-volt machines can vibrate, pulsate, rotate, reciprocate, thrust, penetrate, and irrigate longer, more steady, and with adjustable intensity level. From the pure mechanical point of view, the machines are by far superior than ten men put together.

But they are cold-hearted, do not converse, do not cuddle, or snuggle. And if a man is also cold hearted, would not converse, would not cuddle, or snuggle, then what can he do for the woman that machines cannot? Smiles, the eyes, jokes, gifts, attention, praise, close intimate conversations, dreams, children, hugs, and kisses. There is still a lot we can do for our women outside of pure sex mechanics. However, if we rely purely on sex mechanics to win her heart, we will lose to the machines.

Men, do balance training on the water pipe so you can learn to be less rational and logical and more emotional and sensitive when it’s needed. Also, learn what shoes not to wear when you spend time with your significant other. The wrong pair of shoes can play with your attitude, and not in a positive way for the situation.

Women, do balance training on the water pipe so you can learn to be less emotional, less irrational; so you learn to speak your mind clearly and without hints and innuendoes. Learn to be more direct and straight as an arrow. First say what you would normally say. If you don’t see the response you are looking for, tell him straight, spell it out for him, make an analogy he will appreciate. (No rudeness, no bad words, no putting anyone down.) Just be clear and unambiguous in your communication. Personally, I would rather get it straight in my face, than risk missing the point and cause her to become uncomfortable, clam up, and withdrawn.

This is probably the decade of our last warning. If we become extinct, it would be only because of our own arrogance. Technology is a ruthless opponent. Never underestimate your opponent. Never!

(That was my somewhat tongue-in-cheek opinion about the f machines.)

short post name:


What is Vestibular Stimulation?

BLOG.MYOWNWATERPIPE.COM: What is Vestibular Stimulation?

What is Vestibular Stimulation?

         The reason for this article is shameless self-promotion, but it will not earn me notoriety unless I can demonstrate how you can benefit from it. I decided to do a splash of this self-promotion because I don’t like how few people read the blogs I write and how slow my book is selling. What I’m going to tell you is not new, but you probably have no idea what’s involved.

         What we have here is tiny organ inside your inner ear that controls the sensitivity of your nervous system, your balance or equilibrium, how you respond to your other sensory organs, your emotions, your memory, and your attention. Did I get your attention? Good. I will also show you how you can tweak your inner ear and thus tweak your nervous system, your emotions, your memory, your attention, and your sensitivity to other sensory organs. Are you with me?

         In order not to sound clinical, I will speak to you in English and leave the terminology in the citations. Those who want to read medical jargon, be my guest. Those who are normal people, listen here.

         Remember when you were a child you used to walk on the side of the curbs? Remember how flower bed separations and other dividers in the ground presented fun obstacle courses you never wanted to miss? Now, that you are older, you consider such activities childish. Ok, be honest here, when you know for sure that no one is watching, you would climb on the occasional curb or knee-high wall and walk on it like you did when you were a kid. Don’t nod your head, but am I right?

         The very young and the not-so-young, we all have this innate desire to walk on a balance beam, or anything like it. When we are bored and when we see that curb, we seize the challenge of balance walking as soon as it presents itself. When we are stressed or agitated, we also tend to balance walk on anything as soon as opportunity presents itself. When I was a little kid, I wanted to walk the tightrope, but since none was available, I walked on anything that resembled a balance beam.

         Any activity that challenges our balance can produce vestibular stimulation. Balance skills are task specific. And one task in particular is our favorite, the balance walking. Because I want to keep this short, I will not describe in details here, but when we balance walk, we force our left and right brains to equalize their activities. This is not an easy task. Each brain hemisphere has a mind of its own. There is no third party to coordinate activity level between the left and right brains. When we are too emotional, balancing can calm us. When we are too excited or agitated, balancing provides us that sense of control we seek.

         Sometimes we can’t fall asleep because thoughts are racing through our mind. This is left brain activity. When you recall something visual, right brain activity, then, and only then can you fall asleep. As you can see, from exclusively left brain activity we establish balance by focusing our attention on the right brain activity, and the equilibrium we catch allows us to fall asleep. When we are lethargic, balancing can give us energy. In short, balancing, as a physical activity, also brings equilibrium, or balance, for our emotional, intellectual, and/or perceptual state.

         Do you know that nowadays you have to search long and hard to find information that describes and advocates vestibular stimulation? In other words, you will have to dig deep to find people who will tell you what balance activities can do for you. The reason for this is pure selfishness. If they tell you that balance activities can fix many of your problems, you will do your balancing activity without them, get better, and leave them. You become NOT dependant on their services.

         Well, how can you be so self-centered? Didn’t your parents teach you to share. Your doctor has student loans to repay, bills to pay, and put money aside for the children to go to a nice college. How will your doctor pay for all this if patients stop coming?

         I am not trying to rock the boat and bankrupt the doctors and pharmaceutical companies. I just want in on the action, the action of helping people. There are plenty of people who will keep taking pills, because it’s easy; they got used to them; and because they know what to expect. There are plenty of people who believe their current doctor, no matter what he or she says. And if the doctor tells them that balance activities are best suited for the very young kids, they will believe them, and ask for a refill of their prescription.

         I just want to find a few people for whom the pills don’t work. I want to find a few people who cannot deal with the side effects from the pills. And I want to find some people who will be curious enough to ask, What is he talking about? What do we have to lose if we try?

         No, really, what can you lose if you pretend that you are balancing on a tightrope? Do you need fancy, expensive equipment? Please! If you cannot afford my water pipe stand, build your own. I don’t mind. I will even give you directions and the how-to. If you have no money, and if you don’t know any plumber who could give you a piece of steel water pipe for free, let me know. I can teach you a special stance that will give you that sensation of balancing on a tightrope, without any equipment at all. Just you, your socks, and your floor.

         Do you still feel that if I’m not selling the water pipe, I must be after something else? Do you still feel that I want nothing but your money, and that money is at the root of it all? Well, how about this, I will post the information on the Internet, free for anyone to read, print, or copy. Will you believe me that money is not everything for me? No? You still don’t trust me? Man, you have issues. Be happy and go find yourself another preacher. Good-bye.



         Is anyone still with me? Good. Vestibular stimulation through specific balance activities that simulate tightrope walking is a powerful ally to have. I wrote a book about it. I built a website, and I write articles for my blog. I want you to understand and befriend my balance activities, so you can understand and befriend vestibular stimulation. It’s not hard. It will be good for you. And you will thank me later.

          I will give you a little technical hint. We do not yet have the equipment that can accurately measure brain activity at the time when the person is physically active. When you go in for CAT scan of your brain, you lie down on a tray, then they gently move you in center of a big metal donut. The operator will tell you to be still and walks away from you into the protected command center, where he tells you through a microphone to breathe or not to breathe during the procedure.

         Vestibular stimulation is mostly achieved when the person is physically active. Because there is no machine that can measure what’s going on with the brain during physical activities, all the tests and treatments, from the very start, are created to measure brain activity when the person is at rest. Few scientists will admit that their studies are missing this very essential element, brain measurements during physical activities. Here, the technological limitations made people forget, discount, and NOT take into account what happens when the person is physically active.

         Tests of medications are also done when the patients are physically inactive, or at rest. What few people realize is that, unless we are sleeping, we spend our days being physically active. As plain and straightforward that is, this little factor escapes many, including professionals.


Here are some sources of medical jargon. – v=onepage&q=vestibular stimulation and PTh – v=onepage&q=vestibular stimulation and PTh

          Wait, you can also do your own search for, “vestibular stimulation” and  type in one or more of these terms: memory, emotions, nervous system, ADD, ADHD, PTSD, sensory integration, balance, balance beam, tightrope, athletic performance, mental performance, language (reading, understanding, pronunciation), REM sleep, stress, anxiety, stutter, fidgeting, coordination, etc. Simply search for “vestibular stimulation” and type in whatever is keeping you awake at night.

         Like I said above, you will need to go deep in your search. The good stuff will not be waiting for you on the first page of the search results. Try different search engines, and go to the library. Look at some new articles, but pay extra attention to those that were published ten, twenty, or more years ago. That’s where you find some real treasures.

         Here is the deal. If you find something that proves me wrong, post it here. If you find something that proves me right, post it here. Fair enough?

         If I made you just a little curious about vestibular stimulation, read articles in my blog, go through all the pages in my website, get my book. This will get you started on the search for incredible. Incredible is what you will learn to call this whole thing. Why? Because it will be very hard for you to get your arms around the idea that a $12.00 steel water pipe can do so much good. I already traveled that road. It IS incredible. I wouldn’t be wasting your time or my time if it weren’t incredible.



Alexander Nestoiter, author of:

Incredible Ah-ha Moments: Ideas you won’t stop talking about



I think it’s time I tell people about those strange articles you’ve seen from me. I research and write about factors, sometimes unusual ones, that influence how people behave. On the surface most of it seems outlandish. I agree. Only upon closer look and view from a new perspective, these factors gain credibility. I’m a skeptic. I don’t believe new things easy. Only after I tested this or that idea on myself and received positive results, only then do I apply any validity to the idea. Then, I ask friends, family, sometimes complete stranger, to experiment with me. When all this is tested, only then do I put words on paper. Let me share an example. I knew about reflexology points on the feet. I knew that all organs in the body are connected to specific points on the feet or ankles. But this whole idea only began to shape up as something valid when I examined the feet of my step father. At the time we were told that his blood test showed he had cancer. Only the doctors could not locate it. Three times they examined (biopsy) his pancreas and found nothing. I pressed with the tip of my thumb in different places on his foot. Everything seemed ok. Until I reached some point where he just screamed from pain. He felt such sharp pain, he thought I punctured his foot with a kitchen knife. We all looked at the reflexology foot chart and located the spot where he had such sharp paint. It was his pancreas. Nobody wanted to believe that his pancreas was in trouble. After all, they did three biopsy tests on it and found nothing. After several more weeks, the doctors decided to do biopsy of his pancreas from his back. Now they found it. It was around year-end holidays. Doctors took vacations, days off, and were not eager to schedule his surgery right away. My step father was kind of shy and did not want to push. When they finally operated on him, the cancer has spread to all the organs and it was too late. If my stepfather and his doctors paid any attention to my unprofessional findings, they would have found the problem two months sooner, and perhaps he might have a fighting chance. That incident taught me to pay attention to what the feet are communicating to us.
There you have it. It may sound odd, but I know what I’m talking about. Don’t believe me? Test me. 
Alexander Nestoiter, author of


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A Different Way to Tell What PTSD is Like

            The strength of your emotions during the event determine how long and how vivid you will remember things. Sharp pain, as a physical representation of negative emotions is stronger than intense pleasure, a representation of positive emotions. What I write below is irrelevant about its content, but is very relevant about the longevity and the vividness of details preserved by memory over time. Again, and again, I am not comparing this situation to PTSD. Instead, I use this example to illustrate that if positive emotions could capture the degree of vividness and preserve it over time, negative emotions are by their nature are more potent than pleasant ones. If I remember my pleasant experiences this well, a soldier or a rape victim remembers details of his or her nasty events much more lucid and much more longer.

I could, of course, write about different nasty experiences, about things that will make your hair stand, and will keep you awake at night, for many nights. Instead, I chose to share with you only pleasant memories because they will not be disturbing, intrusive, and unmanageable.

After reading my notes, I want you to understand with your brain, gut, and soul, that PTSD is polar opposite of this and many times stronger. The point is for you to, at least, somehow, experience what PTSD is like without putting you through the real, the nasty, the worst of what a man is capable of doing.

Our memories shape our lives, our actions, and our reactions to the conditions that resemble what we experienced some time in the past. From the moment of inception, we remember, consciously or subconsciously, everything we hear, smell, taste, touch, feel, and think about; we remember ideas and emotions, we remember it all, from inception to death. The reason some memories stay fresh for a month, a year, or for life, is because they were written using stronger and stronger emotions. In a way, emotions assign the tools with which the memories are recorded.


Special Memories Come with Keys, Like Charms on a Necklace

In my early twenties, I fell in love. I was young and inexperienced in handling emotions. Although many years went by filling my memory banks with other experiences, I can still recall the sensations, the emotions, and the feelings I had back then. That relationship did not work out. And even though I have not seen her for decades, I still remember. The stronger the feelings, the longer the memory will last.

I used to enjoy playing music, including five years of music school with classes at least three times a week, and tons of practice. After my graduation, I put the instrument in the closet, and when found it a year later, I could not play a single tune, even with the music sheets. So how is it that maybe 50 aggregate hours of sex during several months of relationship linger in my memory for several decades, while what I learned in over 1,500 hours of lessons over five years, vanished from the memory in less than a year?

Why is it that every time I see a redhead, I remember the redheaded girl, my childhood friend? Actually, playing with her was more trouble than fun. To this day, I have no redheaded friends.

Fear is another key—more powerful emotion than love, in terms of memorability. Although I’ve had my share of gruesome frightening memories, I would rather talk about the brain and memory by using pleasant experiences.

Her skin was soft and velvety. Her scent, lightly sweet, with a hint of vanilla, reminded me of the scent of the hair of a toddler. Her eyes were dark, big, and deep as an ocean. We were kissing, cuddling and kissing some more. Our hands caressed each other’s skin, and it felt as though we didn’t have enough hands and enough fingers to touch and caress the entire body, all at the same time. Her lips kissed every spot on my body. Hot, moist and insatiable, they wanted more, and more, and more. At times, when I had my eyes closed, it felt as though I was in her lips, between them, as though I was within them, inside and out. We had to take short breaks from giving each other pleasure. When she kissed my hand, or arm, or leg, or stomach, that part would experience such intensity of sensation, it felt as though my heart moved in there. Sometimes it felt as though my heart was in my stomach or in my throat, or in my calf. She would start kissing and caressing that part, and after some time, that part of my body would get hot. I would start feeling my heartbeat in there. Then it would start throbbing with pleasurable sensations. The pleasure would increase to the point of becoming mixed with discomfort, to dull pain, to intense pain mixed with intense pleasure. When we stopped, it was only to catch some breath. Between the periods of cuddling, caressing and kissing, we would interlock our genitals for the dance of life, with the rhythm of the blinking star. Going inside her was not a treat, it was an ever-evolving journey, sometimes boisterous, rough, relentless, merciless, like the heavy storm waves pounding the rocky cliff; every time exploding, roaring with the raucous unbridled spirit. Sometimes it was a calm voyage with slow, warm, long waves running up the fine sand of a tropical beach, breaking up in tiny white bubbles, absorbed by the thirsty sand without a whisper. Oozing from the inside out, spouting from the outside in was the nectar of love, saturating, insisting, permeating, invading, remarkable, unstoppable. We relished in its tangy presence and let our bodies drink up the elixir of life.

Sex, love making, it was not. It was beyond sexual gratification, beyond physical pleasures, beyond intimate closeness, beyond emotional fulfillment. They were voyages, not intercourse, not oral sex, not kissing. They were voyages; voyages into a different realm of existence, out of our bodies and into the unity, the boundless unity with everything. Not daily, not with any schedule, not with any kind of arrangements, these expeditions would start with a barely perceptible look in each other’s eyes, an unspoken understanding that it was time for another journey, a trip into the abyss of pleasure and mystery. Each trip had a life of its own. It would start seemingly on its own, and last for four, six, twelve hours, and one time, close to three full nights and three full days. It was only upon our arrival, that we could somehow get a grip on reality and time. During these trips, however, the notion of time seemed to disappear, and neither of us was even vaguely aware of the existence of time or the word “time” itself.

My body would feel as though it was spreading into hers, as though I was dissolving in her, and she was dissolving into me. Our spirits and our bodies would become one, like water blends with milk. I knew every sensation she had, and she knew every sensation I had. We knew each other’s thoughts and feelings. When we looked into each other’s eyes, we were able to talk to each other without uttering a single word. This way, we talked about clouds, rain, water, jumping in the puddles, how we first rode a tricycle. She would tell me about flowers and dresses, and music and fire, and I would tell her about bridges and energy, and war and the planet. We were not talking per se, but communicating without words, without gestures, without signals. Wide varieties of new knowledge would just appear before us, within our reach, not requiring any effort to understand or share. We even played with each other by trading where we were. With just a momentary look into each other’s eyes, we could swap places; I would go into her world and into her body, and she into mine. Momentarily I would feel as though I was her, feeling the weight of my body pressing on her, the fullness of her breasts, her finger nails, her long and curly hair under my back, I felt my penis in her, the way it was pushing up and up and up, with every stroke rubbing by her heart reaching her throat.

While being her, I saw bright and colorful fields of flowers; I was hopping on a cloud, and bathing nude in a pond, under the waterfall. I felt how the flow of water agreed with the curves of her body, and how her nipples hardened against the flow. While being me, she said that she was uncomfortable with my wider shoulders; that she felt like flexing the stronger arm muscles. She didn’t feel feminine with the larger feet, and my penis was sticking out and was getting in the way; she said it pulled her pubic skin and felt heavy and demanding.

We both enjoyed playing this fun game, and we laughed and laughed. We could start it in a moment, and go back to our own selves just as fast.

Sometimes we would venture out into the world of trees and rivers. We would be holding hands as we approached a big old tree, and then we’d hug it, pressing our chests and chins into the bark. A moment later we would become that tree, see its life, see how it goes to sleep in the winter, and how it wakes up in the spring. We felt the heat from forest fires, the tree’s thirst during droughts. Tapping the wisdom of the tree was unparalleled. To stand in one place, stand there no matter what, experiencing the world day after day, year after year for hundreds of years is an experience wide as the horizon, and as profound as the night sky. Nothing was puzzling; nothing was difficult. Everything had its place, except for time. We only thought about time upon our arrival to our ordinary selves. While we were traveling, the present was in the past, and the past was in the present, and the future was there, too. The present, past and future were one. It was confusing, and amusing, but only afterwards. While in there, it was pure bliss.

I remember that her breath smelled like the breath of a baby after nursing: warm, sweet and contented. My hands remember the feel of her silky hair curls.

Why several decades later, do I still remember that?

And why don’t I remember what I had for lunch yesterday?


The brain has its own rules for remembering. It puts most of life experiences on the back burner, while keeping selective few perpetually hot. The more emotionally charged an experience, the longer we will remember it. Emotions accompany all of our experiences. The deeper our emotions during an event, the deeper it gets carved into the memory.

The longevity of the message depends on how that message was recorded. A sand castle will stand until the next tide. “Wash me” on the hood of a dusty car will last until the first rain, or car wash. But deeply engraved in stone, “Bob was here” will last an eternity. Emotions assign value to every signal, every bit of information entering our consciousness. In a way, emotions assign the tools with which the memories are recorded.

Low emotional value, and the message will dissipate like smoke in the air. Sitting in the company kitchen yesterday, eating something homemade, is what happens when the emotionally assigned value to my lunch was low. I remember only that I ate—and ate “something” I brought from home. What I brought from home I can’t remember. Why? Because my lunch was uneventful.

Four days ago, on the weekend, I went with my son to get a burger and a cup of coffee. I like Starbucks regular coffee. A Starbucks was next to the burger place. Since I was inside the burger place, I thought, coffee is coffee is coffee, what’s the difference? After drinking the coffee I bought from that burger place, I had a headache until I went to bed. That’s the difference. I don’t remember anything about the burgers, but four days later, I remember the coffee because it was accompanied by physical discomfort, a headache.

My emotions—being upset and disappointed—were involved. Will I remember this story a year from now? I doubt it for my emotions wrote the message by using a finger on the dust.

However, that young love affair will probably stay with me for the rest of my life. At the time, the emotions were so strong the memories were recorded by chiseling them in stone.

What I wanted to convey with the above story is that we all share the same PROCESS of remembering. Rape victims, abused children, and soldiers, all suffer from PTSD. The Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is based on our memories. If we could find a way to select certain memories and make them less intrusive, less painful, less persistent, then people who survived the worst of what humans are capable of, then we can go on with our lives. Instead, people with PTSD are stuck, they are nailed to their memories.

As they re-tell these stories, they relive, they re-experience the emotions, the sensations, the pain again, and again, and again. Soldiers do not like to talk about their nasty memories. Do you know why? Because it is unspeakably painful to re-live through that pain again.

Read my article “Defang PTSD with Overabundance of Neutrality.” I hope, by trying different things, we can find a way to help those affected with PTSD to live a more normal life.

Thank you for your participation in reading this article. If you find it worthy, please spread the word.

Stay strong and stubborn,

Alexander Nestoiter, author of

Incredible Ah-ha Moments: Ideas you won’t stop talking about

Posted by Incredible Ah-Ha Moments at 3/15/2012 8:00 AM
Categories: Defang PTSD
Tags: PTSD Rape Abuse Memories Persis Overabundance of Neutrality Violence